The Drunk Who Wanted To Kill Me

I was preaching in the city of Johannesburg (South Africa) and while hundreds listened to the word of the Lord, I gave an invitation for people to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.

A drunk man came forward with the crowd, and in his drunken state, grabbed me and almost fell onto me. He was crying and trying to tell me something and I was almost overwhelmed by the stench of alcohol as he tried to talk. We calmed him down so that we could pray with him as well as those who had responded to the altar call to receive Christ. He was radically saved and was even more eager to tell me what had happened. Within minutes he was sober standing on one leg like most drunks will do to prove they are not drunk.

He told us that he had just consumed a bottle of alcohol and smoked a big joint of marijuana. He said, “I staggered closer to hear what you were talking about and as I held onto a branch of the tree to keep myself from falling, you would say ‘Jesus’ and it was like a knife going through me. I wanted to kill you and then I saw a rock lying on the ground and as I tried to let go of the tree to pick the rock up, a big hand covered my hand and would not let me go no matter how hard I tried, I looked to see who it was and there was no one standing near me.

I pulled away a few times to get free but could not. Only when you said come forward and receive Jesus Christ into your life, this large hand lifted from my hand and somehow guided me to you.” And then the man began to prophesy over me that God has sent me to preach the gospel throughout South Africa and to travel and be used of Him. Hallelujah to Jesus!

“A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; But it shall not come near you.” Psalm 91:7


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