Bold Evangelism
The office of the evangelist is a very unique, but often overlooked ministry in the kingdom of God. I suppose, due to abuses of some “televangelists” and wolves in sheep’s clothing, the term evangelist has almost become a dirty word in the Church. For the true office of the evangelist, nothing could be further from the truth. A true evangelist is primarily focused on one thing: taking the evangel or “good news” of the gospel and the power of the Holy Spirit to a lost and dying world. More than ever, we need the evangelist in this day and age.
I knew soon after my salvation I was called to be an evangelist. After living like a heathen and having experienced firsthand the torment resulting from a life of sin and demonic oppression, I wanted to see other captives set free with gospel of Christ. This is why my primary focus is soul winning.
Proverbs 11:30 says “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, And he who wins souls is wise.” Not everyone is called to be a pastor. Not everyone is called to an apostle. Not everyone is called to be a prophet or teacher. But as we can see from Luke 14:23, everyone is called to win souls. We are all, to some degree, called to do the work of an evangelist.
Revival and Teaching on Evangelism
This is why my ministry has a second focus: to bring revival and teaching to the Church. I believe the most powerful team in the kingdom of God is a pastor and an evangelist. If you feel like your church is stagnating, you need the fire of an evangelist to stir your people up again. Your church not only needs teaching on the importance of soul winning and evangelistic techniques, but they need revival with the fire of the Holy Spirit! This is a significant part of my calling.
When a pastor and an evangelist team up, people are saved, delivered from works of evil, and empowered with the fresh fire of the Holy Spirit! Those who are saved won’t even think about drifting from the church, because the first thing they will learn is that in order to keep that joy of their salvation, they need to become soul winners themselves.
In Psalm 51:12-13 King David asked of the Lord,
“12 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, And uphold me by Your generous Spirit.
13 Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, And sinners shall be converted to You.”
From this scripture we can see David knew the Holy Spirit, soul winning is the key to the joy of salvation. If your church is stagnating, or your personal walk is slowly backsliding, you need the fresh fire of the Holy Spirit! I believe a true evangelist is God’s messenger to bring this to the church.
Like the apostle Paul, I will never boast in myself, but I will always boast in the power of God. Through obedience to God, this ministry has seen over a hundred thousand documented salvations, healings, creative miracles, powerful infillings of the Holy Spirit, families changed for God’s glory, churches exploding in growth and the fires of revival raging across entire towns and cities.
If your church needs to experience a fresh dose of the fire of God, contact us today.
Read more about Salvation and Foundations of Faith here…