The Gifts and Callings of God Are Irrevocable
“For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. [He never withdraws them when once they are given, and He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call.]” Romans 11:29 (AMP)
I have known the Lord for almost twenty seven years now, and have traveled throughout several countries, ministering to thousands of people and I have noticed three things on my travels.
- Firstly, that whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.
- Secondly, God imparts His gifts to everyone who comes to Him.
- And thirdly, God will never withdraw His gifts and His calling from anyone. If we do not complete our commission God will not be held accountable.
Each One Has Their Own Gift From God
“As each of you has received a gift (a particular spiritual talent, a gracious divine endowment), employ it for one another as [befits] good trustees of God’s many-sided grace [faithful stewards of the extremely diverse powers and gifts granted to Christians by unmerited favor]. 11 Whoever speaks, [let him do it as one who utters] oracles of God; whoever renders service, [let him do it] as with the strength which God furnishes abundantly, so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ (the Messiah). To Him be the glory and dominion forever and ever (through endless ages). Amen (so be it). 12 Beloved, do not be amazed and bewildered at the fiery ordeal which is taking place to test your quality, as though something strange (unusual and alien to you and your position) were befalling you.” 1 Peter 4:10-12 (AMP)
There are a few points I want to emphasize to give you a better understanding of the gifts and callings of God and how to apply the gift that has been given to each and every believer in Christ.
“…but each one has his own gift from God, one in this manner and another in that.” 1 Corinthians 7:7
The gift is called the gift of grace it is God’s favor which one receives without any merit of his own; it is also a divine gratuity or endowment.
“As each of you has received a gift (a particular spiritual talent, a gracious divine endowment), employ it for one another as [befits] good trustees of God’s many-sided grace [faithful stewards of the extremely diverse powers and gifts granted to Christians by unmerited favor].” 1 Peter 4:10 (AMP)
- The gift is free
- A call from God is an invitation
- And how you receive it and relate to the call will determine your growth in Christ.
God Will Not Be Held Accountable to Man
“And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey.” Matthew 25:15
Each and everyone who receives a gift or talent from the Lord, receives it according to their own ability. God is gracious to give each of us a special gift so that we can tell others of His goodness and in return He rewards us for our labor.
His love never fails, His grace is eternal and His mercy endures forever. Hallelujah!
It is by His love that we were created; it is by His grace that we are forgiven and by His mercy that we are kept.
Study these principles, live by them, make them a part of your life, keep them in your heart, keep them in your memory bank and you will grow in leaps and bounds in His love, His grace and His mercy.
We know when the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified He didn’t stop at the cross or at the tomb or in the bowels of the earth, but God exalted Him to His right hand to be Prince and Savior, to give repentance to all and forgiveness of sin, healing for every sickness and disease and He always lives to make intercession for us. He is the greatest gift to all of mankind
Do Not Neglect the Gift
“14 Do not neglect the gift which is in you, [that special inward endowment] which was directly imparted to you [by the Holy Spirit] by prophetic utterance when the elders laid their hands upon you [at your ordination]. 15 Practice and cultivate and meditate upon these duties; throw yourself wholly into them [as your ministry], so that your progress may be evident to everybody. 16 Look well to yourself [to your own personality] and to [your] teaching; persevere in these things [hold to them], for by so doing you will save both yourself and those who hear you.” 1 Tim 4:14-16 (AMP)
“In the technical Pauline sense of extraordinary powers distinguishing certain Christians and enabling them to serve the church of Christ, the reception of which is due to the power of divine grace operating in their souls by the Holy Spirit” (Thayer). The word refers here to a “special inward endowment which qualified Timothy for exhortation and teaching, and which was directly imparted by the Holy Spirit” (Vincent). From Wuest’s Word Studies
The Gift is Free but Victory is Earned
Let’s take the gift and compare it to a sport that one is interested in. Lets take tennis for instance – the coach would say to you do not neglect your tennis because Wimbledon is coming up – practice; cultivate and meditate upon your strengths, throw yourself wholly into it, remind yourself that you can do it you are an overcome and a victor, if you practice you can win a major title, but you must practice several hours every day so when that day comes you will be sharp and alert and fit enough to stand every test you are faced with, because this gift is free but victory is earned.
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.” 2 Timothy 4:7-8
The words I have fought the good fight can be translated to a struggle in a contest with an adversary or to compete for a prize or to endeavor to accomplish something
- We must never forget that we were created in the image and likeness of our God
- We must never forget we have the eternal Spirit Himself who makes intercession for us
- We must never forget that we are more than conquerors through the Lord Jesus Christ
- We must never forget that we are the head and not the tail we are above and not beneath
- We must never forget that we are more than conquerors in this life
- We must never forget that we are God’s garden under cultivation
- We must never forget that we have the Holy Spirit who leads, guides, governs and controls our lives when we allow Him to use us as He wills.
Every believer has to find out what their gift is and the only one who knows where you will best be used is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. If you never spend time praying and seeking God about your place in the body of Christ, you are robbing yourself as well as the kingdom God of a great blessing.
I will never forget in 1981 while praying in my bedroom in South Africa, I heard the Lord say to me, “I have called you to be an evangelist. “ I remember weeping with joy for the call of God on my life. It excited me so much that I studied Philip, the only mentioned evangelist in the bible – how he was called to different parts of the country, and the miracles, the signs and wonders God performed through him. Then I started putting it into practice and literally saw miracles of blind eyes seeing, deaf ears opening and lame legs beginning to run. We even had a lady raised from the dead, but all of this didn’t come overnight. You have to keep walking in faith, working at it and not back off, even when nothing seems to be happening. Remember the gifts and callings of God are irrevocable. (Romans 11:29) It means He never withdraws them when once they are given. God will have no regrets or repentance for calling you into His ministry. Hallelujah!
All the Lord asks of us is tell others about His love; tell them about His goodness; tell them that He loves them with an everlasting love; that His anger is for a moment but His mercy endures forever; tell them He loves them so much that instead of punishing the world for their sins He poured out His wrath upon His beloved Son so that ALL can go free from the penalty of eternal death.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.