Haiti – Over 200 Souls Won to Christ in Three Meetings
An invitation from Bethesda Evangelical Mission (B.E.M.) to do an outreach in Haiti took Peter to the town of Les Cayes in Haiti. Over 200 souls received Jesus during the 3-night period. Glory to God! During the day, pastors and leaders were ministered to by the team. Approximately 120 pastors were in attendance at the seminar. Some had to travel five hours on public transportation and five hours by foot to make the seminar. But in their own words, it was worth it as God ministered to them through the team.
One Hundred and Twenty Baptized on the Day of Pentecost
On the last day of the seminar which also happened to be the day of Pentecost, there were also about 120 pastors as there were in the upper room when the Holy Spirit was first poured out. These pastors were also gloriously baptized into the Holy Spirit and spoke with other tongues as the Spirit gave them the utterance. Hallelujah!
Excerpts from Pastor Jean-Lubin Beaucejour’s Report
“B.E.M.’s first ever June Street Evangelism and a powerful theological seminar geared toward equipping pastors and church leaders of the ministry.”
Our team of eight represented three states: Connecticut, Georgia and Kentucky. The majority of the team was on the Island for the first time. Our main speaker for the week was the internationally known Evangelist Peter Rahme from South Africa via Kentucky USA. He is truly anointed and believes God can do all things but fail. Brother Rahme’s focus was evangelism, getting souls for the Kingdom.
Three Nights – Two Hundred Souls
Pastor Jean-Phares Beaucejour founder and President of B.E.M. our host in Haiti, made a request to the Lord on Sunday Night, he said and I quote: “Lord we pray that you give us 200 Souls to come to the Kingdom during our 3 nights of evangelistic services.” Well, be careful what you pray for, on Monday evening we had our first service brother Peter talked about the reason why Jesus came and that is to destroy the work of the enemy a very powerful message after which twenty souls (20) came to the Kingdom.
Well, knowing how far we are from two hundred we prayed even more and ask God to help us reach our goal. On Tuesday Night, the meeting was at a different location. It was also a very large crowd; great worship and songs when the time for the message came the people were ready to hear the Word of God. The result, thirty (30) souls came to the Kingdom.
Now at fifty and only one night to go we had more than enough reason to panic but we are also aware of the God we’re serving He is a miracle working God, what looks impossible to men is possible to Him. The third and final service was in a very populated area where the people are sold out to everything but the Gospel.
Once again our musicians were ready and also the Christians from the mother church of Les Cayes but no one expected what took place that night. In the middle of his message Evangelist Rahme stopped and gave the microphone to brother Gregory Tremble, one of our team members who had an awesome testimony about his redemption by Jesus after he was sentenced to “life plus forty years” in prison but God set him free.
Brother Gregory assured the people that God can deliver them even in an Island like Haiti. After His testimony, Brother Rahme had an altar call; amazingly more than one hundred and fifty (150) people came to the Lord, Hallelujah!”
Pastor Jean-Lubin Beaucejour
Bethesda Evangelical Mission (BEM)/USA Director
“How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!” Romans 10:14-15